How To Help Your Community Combat Coronavirus
While social distancing and self-isolation might seem like an individual act, it actually benefits your neighbors on the whole. Here are some other ways you can help your community combat the coronavirus.
Donate money to a food bank, as some might need to rely harder on social services. If you know someone is unable to leave their home due to being in a high-risk population, offer to pick up groceries or prescriptions.
Stay on top of the news and become involved with neighborhood groups and local community organizations, sharing your advice and expertise where necessary. Also, use apps to stay in touch from afar.
And if you’ve already got a month’s worth of food and supplies stocked up, stop hoarding. You’ll be fine.
I donated to the Community FoodBank of New Jersey. Every $1 donated helps provide three meals for our hungry neighbors. You can make a difference!
— cwhatley (@cwhatley) March 16, 2020
New Jersey residents should be prepared for the possibility
— NJDOH (@NJDeptofHealth) March 16, 2020
of a COVID-19 outbreak in their community.
You can take measures to reduce the spread of COVID-
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