Tool: Listen To All Their Songs… At The Same Time!
If you really love Tool and want to listen to all of their songs, but you just don’t have the seven hours or so that it would take to go through the whole catalog, some lunatic has come up with an alternative. It may, however, send you to the brink of insanity.
“ReMetallicMusic” on YouTube posted one video called “Every TOOL Song at Once (1993 – 2019).” It’s difficult to verify: is their version of Led Zeppelin’s “The Ocean” in there? Did they include the silence between “Triad” and “Faaip de Oiad?” We’re not sure, but it will probably push even the hardest core Tool fans to the edge of madness. The video was posted last year, but it’s new to us. It’s never too late to go crazy.
And hey, if the chaos is getting to you, don’t worry, by the time you pass the thirteen-minute mark, there are just a few songs playing. And by the end, “7empest” stands alone, it’s just like you’re hearing the end of the song on the album! Enjoy!