Updated Quarantine Advisory Issued for Individuals Traveling to New Jersey from 16 States
Governor Phil Murphy previously announced a joint incoming travel advisory that all individuals traveling from states with significant community spread of COVID-19 quarantine for a 14-day period.
New Jersey’s latest travel advisory has been extended to 16 states across the country. This impacts anyone traveling to or returning to New Jersey by train, bus, car, plane, or any other form of transportation.
“With the latest national data, our ranking for new cases dropped to 47th among ALL STATES,” Murphy shared to With the latest national data, our ranking for new cases dropped to 47th among ALL STATES.
We’ve cut new cases by 95% from our peak.
This is a good place to be at the moment – especially given the dramatic increases other states are seeing. pic.twitter.com/x0J0ILybWC
The tri-state measure will use uniform parameters and messaging on highways, airports, websites and social media all around New Jersey.
Click here to read the official statement.