Governor Murphy Tightens Restrictions On Gatherings For New Jersey
Governor Phil Murphy announced today (November 16) that he is signing an executive order to retighten restrictions on gatherings to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Indoor gatherings are now limited to a maximum of 10 people (effective 11/17) while outdoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 150 people (effective 11/23) in New Jersey.
“We know indoor gatherings in homes are particularly dangerous places for #COVID19 to spread,” Murphy shared on This will not be a normal Thanksgiving.
We know indoor gatherings in homes are particularly dangerous places for #COVID19 to spread.
We’re urging everyone to keep their plans as small as possible.
The small the gathering, the less likely it is that someone is infected.
The new indoor and outdoor limits come after the alarming rise in numbers for New Jersey in recent weeks. As of today, the Today we are reporting 2, 232 new cases, 281,493 total and 14 new deaths for a statewide total of 14,779.
◾️ 2,115 hospitalizations
◾️ 417 individuals in critical care
◾️ 33% of critical care patients on ventilators
Click here to see New Jersey’s COVID-19 information hub.
The following indoor gatherings may continue under the current rules – limited to 25% of a room’s capacity, up to 150 people:
— Governor Phil Murphy (@GovMurphy) November 16, 2020
☑️Religious services/celebrations and political events
☑️Funerals/memorial services