Jersey Magazine – 10-31-21
Each week on the Jersey Magazine we pick topics of local interest to our listeners.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this morning on the Jersey Magazine, Jim Monaghan chats with Dr. Michele Blackwood from RWJBH. And since it’s Halloween, Jim has a cool conversation with a New Jersey resident who has some amazing costumes and memorabilia from movies and TV shows that he is putting up for auction.
Dr. Blackwood is the Northern Regional Director of Breast Surgery for RWJ Barnabas Health. As we close out Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Blackwood and Jim Monaghan discussed how discovery and treatment of breast cancer has improved in recent years, along with tips both women and men can take to lessen the risk of developing breast cancer.
Here are the three links referenced in the interview with Dr. Blackwood –
Schedule your mammogram
Gail Model Risk Assessment
IBIS Risk Assessment Tool
By day, John Azarian is a licensed commercial real estate broker here in New Jersey. In true superhero fashion, you might say John has a (not so) secret identity as a collector of TV and movie memorabilia which includes costumes worn by all three of the actors who played Superman – Kirk Alyn, George Reeves, and Christopher Reeve. On November 7, John will be auctioning off 110 items from his personal collection, including those costumes, through Heritage Auctions.
John and Jim talk about some of the various items in his collection, and the New Jersey connection that two of the Superman actors had.
ROCK N’ RUFF – This week Terrie Carr features another great adoptable – Jayden from Eleventh Hour Rescue!
COACH SHEETS’ RIDE IN – Jeremy Sheetinger is the head baseball coach at Georgia Gwinnett College where he led the Grizz Gang to the 2021 NAIA National Championship. His weekly “fire me up” tweet every Thursday may, on the surface, be geared toward his fellow baseball coaches, but his motivational message can easily be applied to the classroom, workplace, and your personal relationships. This week, Coach Sheets asks “What are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?”
— Jeremy Sheetinger | Sheets (@CoachSheets3) October 28, 2021
Question to ask ourselves: What are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?
Because sacrifice is REQUIRED to go anywhere of significance!
1. Lay out our goals!
2. What can be cut out to get those goals!
⚡️ Positive Vibes Only!
Looking for something fun to do in the area? Emma has you covered with this week’s Local Look.
Questions or comments about the show? We would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected].