Westfield Residents Have Had It With Fans Of The Hit Series ‘The Watcher’ On Netflix
New Jersey residents are fed up already with fans of the #1 hit series The Watcher that is on Netflix, according to NJ.com. The Watcher is a limited series loosely based on true events that happened at a house in the town of Westfield. A family purchased the house back in 2014 and started getting creepy letters that caused them to sell the house and lose a boatload of money. There is more to the story than that, google it or watch the series for more.
Netflix Series ‘The Watcher’ Inspired By Real New Jersey Home
I highly suggest you do both. Now that The Watcher has premiered and is the number one series right now on Netflix, fans of the series have swarmed the town of Westfield, NJ to get a look at the house that the series is about and it’s causing some annoyance to the residents. Like, major traffic delays. Residents of the neighborhood the house is in are getting stuck in traffic trying to get to their house because fans are watching the house the Watcher is watching in the series, well it’s not the real house The Watcher is Watching in the series! Police are set up around the home to keep trespassers from coming on the property and to direct traffic, it’s a major Sh#t Show. I can somewhat relate to how the residents of Westfield feel.
I live in a quiet multi-culture neighborhood that is a couple of blocks from Seven Presidents Beach in LongBrach, NJ and we have to deal with summer season traffic cutting through our hood now. Thanks to GPS people have now found out about cut-throughs and backroads. And some of them have their booming car stereo’s so loud that they come through your neighborhood and the walls tremble and the furniture vibrates.
We do not have the luxury of police setting up and stopping all that nonsense. Here is my take on this nuttiness. First of all, it’s a great creepy series based on true events and loosely based on that. The house that is in the show is not the real house, they filmed the series in Rye, New York! Yes, the house you are going to see is the real house, but why in the hell do you want to go and see it?
Do you understand that people live in that house? I am pretty sure they do not want a stranger or rabid fan of the show showing up on their doorstep or outside of their property staring at their house! What are you going to do? Figure out who the real Watcher is. You do understand that 90 percent of what happened in the show did not happen in real life. Go on google maps and look at it. Gas is high enough why waste your gas to go and look at a house that is portrayed in a tv show? Stop with the nonsense and let the people of Westfield live in peace. If the neighbors in the series are a portrayal of real-life neighbors, you may not want to be Effin around in that neighborhood. You never know, you may start getting letters at your house.
I watched The Watcher as The Watcher watched the House of the Family who received Threatening Letters from The Watcher while they watched the House. My mind is fried. My mind is frustrated. 🥴
— Liana Jacob ܠ̤ܝܐܺܢܺܐ (@LianaJacob) October 15, 2022