Florida Man REALLY Needs To Work On His Excuses
DATELINE – Palm Coast FL
Heaven knows there are a lot of distractions that present themselves to us while we’re driving.
There are unexpected slow downs due to construction, there’s that pothole RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU that you’d like to avoid (if only for the sake of your front suspension), that ball that just rolled into the street (remember if there’s a ball that rolled into the street, there’s a good chance a little kid is chasing it), and that’s not to mention the other idiots on the road.
If you’re Florida Man, there’s an added distraction in the form of those pesky shadows on the road that caused Aidan Sauco-Maldonado to ram his truck into a residence.
At least that’s what he told the police.
Of course, the alcohol intake just MIGHT have had something to do with this, too.