Florida Man’s Christmas Tree Toss Lands Him In Jail
DATELINE – Lake County FL
Florida Man Richard Atchison and his wife…let’s call her Mrs. Florida Man…were at home Monday evening around dinner time.
Mrs. Florida Man asked Mr. Florida Man to help with the meal prep.
Now up to this point, Florida Man’s idea of prep work seems to have been alcohol consumption so when Mrs. Florida Man accidentally splashed her husband with some water from the sink, he became enraged and decided to pack his things and storm out.
In perhaps his only cogent moment of the evening, Atchison realized that in his condition, he was in no shape to drive, so he did what any good Florida Man would do in that situation – he told HER to get out.
And that’s when the Christmas tree went flying across the room, accidentally hitting Mrs. Florida Man.
Atchison is currently in jail where, hopefully, no one will ask him to help with dinner.