Dave Grohl…..The Comic Book Character?
We all know how Dave Grohl is charismatic, passionate about music, and interesting to listen to and speak to. He’s done countless interviews, motivational talks, and even a college Commencement speech! The former Nirvana drummer and Foo Fighters frontman is getting the Comic Book Treatment!
TidalWave Comics has announced the addition of Dave Grohl to its popular “Orbit” comic book series focused on personalities who impact the world.
It’s a 22-page comic book available both digitally and in print and can be found on multiple platforms such as Amazon. You can also find paperback and hardcover versions as well.
This comic gives a glimpse of all that is Grohl! It will transport you to him playing with Iggy Pop, his record appearances on Saturday Night Live, his face-off on drums with the Muppet’s Animal and so much more. Grohl continues to jam, Grohl continues to inspire, Grohl is Rock.
I’m not a comic book collector, but this is one book I need in my library! The illustrations, the stories, and the incredible insight into the one and only Dave Grohl!
TidalWave has put out comics with other artists as well. If you’re intrigued, you can search online for copies of Alice Cooper’s comic, Ozzy, David Bowie, and more.
I didn’t even get my Dave Grohl copy yet, but I’m already thinking about building my collection! LOL
It’s also great that they’re doing this series because, for those that aren’t fans of reading several hundred-page biographies, this gives people a quick and easy way to explore more about some of their favorite artists. And the cool illustrations don’t hurt either!
Writer Adam Rose said this about the comic in a press release:
“Diving into the genius of David Grohl can only be described with one word: awe. His life and body of work are an incredible story to explore!”
TidalWave Comics vast catalog of titles can be purchased in print on Amazon and also be downloaded on ComiXology, DriveThru Comics, Google Play, Overdrive, iTunes, Kindle, Biblioboard, Nook, Kobo, and wherever eBooks are sold.
I suggest getting your copy soon!
[Images Courtesy of TidalWave Produtions]