Florida Man Picked a Horrendous Time and Place To Charge His Phone
DATELINE – Spring Hill FL
Florida Man Anthony Stravino noticed that the battery on his cellphone needed charging.
So he went onto the patio, plugged his phone into a nearby outlet, and sat down to relax.
There was one small problem – the home where the patio is located didn’t belong to Stravino. And the woman who found him sitting there wasn’t pleased to find him there, so she called the police.
And that’s when the “one small problem” turned into a bunch of BIG problems.
It seems that Florida Man‘s excuse for being on that particular patio was particularly lame.
And then there was the matter of heroin, meth, and drug paraphernalia he had with him.
Take a tip from Florida Man, boys and girls – NEVER charge your cellphone at a stranger’s home.
Oh, and you should probably not have any drugs with you, either.