Florida Man Really Picked the Wrong Car To Steal This Time
We would never advise anyone to steal a car. For one, it’s against the law. For another, you can get yourself into a LOT of trouble. And then, what happens if you happen to pick the wrong car to steal?
Take Florida Man Joshua Lee Marlowe for example.
He got into a vehicle outside Jackson Memorial Hospital and drove off.
There were a number of problems here.
For one, it wasn’t his car.
For another, it was a marked Miami police car.
Florida Man picked the wrong car, wrong place, wrong time.
Seeing as how the car was marked, it didn’t take Miami police to locate it, and Marlowe who was wearing a police officer’s hat at the time of the arrest.
And did we mention that Marlowe did all this with a suspended driver’s license? Needless to say, he is facing multiple charges.