Hangry Florida Man Strikes Again and Not Even A Snickers Bar Can Help
Copycat crimes are nothing new to law enforcement officers. And that’s probably VERY true when it comes to Florida Man.
On Wednesday of this week, we told you about the Florida Man who attacked a convenience store manager with a lollipop.
Well, leave it to Florida Man to take this one to the next level.
DATELINE – Clearwater and the Saga of Florida Man Idel Noy-Quesada.
We may have a copycat crime going on here. If you remember, Wednesday of this week, also in Clearwater, Florida Man got into an argument with the manager of a convenience store and started throwing lollipops.
Well, Noy-Quesada was trying to buy cigarettes at about one o’clock in the morning a couple of days ago at a Walgreens. He was denied.
When asked for ID, he didn’t produce an ID card, but a photo of an ID card, which the workers would not accept. That’s when he became very angry and he grabbed the first thing he could find – talk about impulse buy – a bunch of full-sized Snicker bars striking one woman in the face and hitting another man in the chest. Neither suffered any injuries.
Noy-Quesada told the cops he didn’t mean to throw the candy at workers. But when the officers reviewed surveillance footage, they determined, yeah, he did deliberately target them.
Florida Man arrested, charged with a pair of battery misdemeanors. Again, you can imagine the conversation in jail – “Hey, tough guy. What are you in for?” “Um, I threw a couple of Snickers bars at people.”
“You’re not you when you’re hungry. Snickers satisfies.”