Take Florida Man’s Advice Before Ordering That Bacon Sandwich This Morning
Before you order that breakfast sandwich this morning, you might do well to heed the warning from Florida Man about how your bacon should be cooked.
It’s the saga of an as-yet-unnamed Florida Man, but let’s set the scene first.
Ordering a bacon sandwich
Right out of college, I worked at NBC, Rockefeller Plaza. I would occasionally go up to the commissary in the building to have something to eat.
The first time I ordered bacon with whatever it was, it came back and it was still pretty raw, as if they had only waved it over the grill.
So the second time I ordered bacon and I asked for it crisp. Well, it was better than the first time but it was still relatively what I would consider relatively raw.
Tell them to burn the bacon
A friend of mine who I was with said, ‘Next time, tell them to burn the bacon.”
I said, “What?” “Tell them to burn the bacon.”
So the next time I go up, I tell them to burn the bacon.
And what do you know? It comes back crisp the way I really like it. It wasn’t burned at all.
But anyway, you may have heard about the guy in Florida who had migraines or at least that’s what he thought it was, but it turned out that he had a tape worm in his head.
The story broke a few days ago. 52 years old, had a history of migraines and they were getting worse.
He was having headaches that would last for a week at a time and this was going on for months.
So he finally went to a doctor about it.
It turns out it wasn’t migraines, but a tape worm.
How did he get it?
They’re pretty sure it’s because he ate some bacon that was severely undercooked. Florida Man likes his bacon soft.
Had he only cooked it more, it probably would have killed the parasite hiding inside it.
Needless to say, he’s been given a deworming medication and the symptoms improved about two weeks later.
So listen, when you go to order that BECSPK (bacon, egg and cheese, salt, pepper, ketchup),
you might want to make sure that they, I don’t know if you wanted burned or not, but make sure that the bacon is cooked.
We can all learn a lesson from Florida Man today.