Jersey Kid Reacts To Classic Metal, Black Sabbath
My son is being forced to listen to metal. Not by a school bully or when he walks by my office in the house, but rather – I’m showing him metal classics! I want to hear his opinion and see his reactions. Already this week, we’ve done some great tunes and we’re not done. Join me as a Jersey Kid Reacts To Classic Metal, Black Sabbath.
Pantera was the one that he didn’t like if you’ve been following my journey. But he’s quite open-minded and still ready to hear more. So I had my speakers ready to blast the classic “Iron Man” and I called him over. As it started up , I could see his brain churning and wondering where this was going to go. He absolutely loved “I am Iron Man”. He thought it sounded like a robot and that it was really cool.
When the riff finally kicked in I could see he was tapping his foot and looked like he wanted to move. It’s such a simple riff, yet heavy, dark, and just rockin’. Such a classic! Then Ozzy started singing and my son said that he really liked it. He asked me if it was a newer song or older and I said it was one of the earliest heavy metal bands I was playing and he thought that was awesome.
By the time the end came around he thought it was cool that it was faster and he was getting excited, dancing around. It looked like he was doing some sort of tribal dance, but I guess it’s just the way the music moved his body. When it was over he asked me to put it on again. So I guess he’s a Black Sabbath fan?
Check out the song for yourself and all the cool parts in it. What a ride!