How Weezer’s 30th Anniversary Of Their Debut Was So Exciting Live
Weezer’s 30th anniversary arrived, and Voyage To The Blue Planet is one of the most compelling tours I’ve ever seen. It was amazing to see live!
Every moment was extraordinary and I could easily go again and not be bored for a second!
I wasn’t able to attend the Madison Square Garden show, so my wife and I traveled to Philly to see the stop at the Wells Fargo Center. Weezer had Dinosaur JR and The Flaming Lips open up the cool show. Both bands sounded awesome and were better than I even expected.
Weezer’s 30th Anniversary Performance
Now what made this intriguing was the fact that there was a story to this stage show. I was unsure how Weezer was going to do this. Would they play the album and then do several other big hits? Would they break it up and not play it in order? There were many routes they could have gone, but here’s what they did.
Let me start by saying, that I should have figured it out because the tour name says it all “Voyage To The Blue Planet.” Regardless, video screens were showing that Weezer were astronauts headed out into Space to look for the Blue Planet. However, on their way, they get attacked by an alien (which happens while they start playing). The ship takes damage and they land on a different planet.

But as they’re traveling through space and seeing different planets and areas, Weezer is playing amazing tunes from some of their most popular albums. At one point the ship falls apart and as they need to collect parts to get it working again, frontman Rivers Cuomo cleverly says, “This place looks familiar, what is it?” And the ship’s command system responds “You’re in the Pinkerton Asteroid Belt.” With that, the crowd went crazy as Weezer played about 5 songs from the cult classic album.
After the hits are done and Weezer has their ship in working order they realize that they need to still get to the Blue Planet. Once they arrive, it looks bleak, and damaged, like something is wrong. Then it hits them…….this planet needs to hear the Blue album.
Then it starts!! The first few notes of “My Name IS Jonas” got people fired up. They played the whole album note for note after that and we didn’t leave our seats until the closing note was done ringing out.
It was a good time. Hopefully, they’ll extend this tour with more dates and if they’re somewhat local again, you should go. It was tremendous!!