New Jersey Preschools Collect 1,375 Canned Goods in Holiday Food Drive
Three Primrose Schools in New Jersey pulled together 1,375 canned goods during their yearly holiday food drive, with families chipping in from all their preschool communities. Kids at the Hillsborough, Berkeley Heights, and Wayne locations teamed up for this important collection effort. Their work will help fill the shelves at three key community organizations: 12 Baskets Food Pantry, Hillsborough Community Assistance Network, and Wayne Food Pantry.
“Nurturing generosity in young children is an investment in the future of our society,ā saidĀ Jo Kirchner, CEO, of Primrose Schools.
Food banks see more people needing help during winter. These donations come at just the right time to help struggling families get through the cold months. These pantries work hard to feed local families facing tough times. Each location serves as a lifeline, giving basic food items to neighbors in need.
The drive is part of something bigger
Since 2019, preschools across the country have gathered nearly 1.5 million items. Just last year, caring communities brought in 350,000 donations for families struggling to make ends meet. Three and four-year-olds got hands-on lessons about helping others while learning what it means to give back. Their involvement helped them understand how supporting their community works. This real-world experience shows kids how they can make things better. By helping out themselves, students see firsthand how lending a hand makes a difference.
As donations came in from generous parents, staff members kept track and organized items before taking them to local pantries. The food banks will now sort through these donations carefully. Workers check dates and group similar items together to make things easier for families.
Staff kept track of every donation that came in, showing everyone just how much good they could do by working together.