Talkin’ Rock with Lamb Of God’s Randy Blythe and Tesla’s Frank Hannon Download

46:38 Download September 9th, 2021

Another two for one podcast today, with a metal legend, and a classic rock guitar hero!

Up first it’s Randy Blythe. Lamb Of God is currently out on tour and he took some time to call in from the road. I’d never interviewed Randy before, but I found him to be great to talk to. We discussed what it was like to get back on stage and playing a couple live stream events. Plus, the 15th anniversary of Sacrament. What is success for him? I asked him that, as well as how it felt to be 50, what makes him nervous and a little about his photography.

Then (around the 20 minute mark) it’s guitarist Frank Hannon from Tesla. I’ve talked to Frank before and he’s always a fun conversation. We talked about his battle with Covid, the latest single “Cold Blue Steel” and what that song’s about. As well as if he read his bandmates, Brain Wheat’s book, Eddie Van Halen and lots more. 

Thank for listening! Follow me on the socials at MeltdownWRIF.


Talkin' Rock With Meltdown

The biggest names in rock music are Talkin' Rock with Meltdown. From Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame members to bands just starting out, Meltdown takes rock music fans behind the scenes to find out what these talented musicians are really about.

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