When I first heard from Brian Storms I thought he and his son Nicky were the strongest, most inspirational people ever.
Brian first reached out to me a few years ago, actually during Covid times to request a song for his 8 year old son who was in second grade, was a massive Shinedown fan (Fly From The Inside was the song actually) and fighting Cancer so bravely. His email inspired me so much. There was also a fundraiser coming up for Nicky and I mentioned it on the air. To be traveling this journey with your child seemed almost unimaginable. To do so during a global pandemic was beyond comprehension. Brian had such a positive attitude, it was infectious. When I was feeling down or complaining, I thought of Nicky and his family. They really set a perspective for me. Brian sent me photos of Nicky and his sweet face was just incredible. That smile. I always looked forward to hearing from Brian and Nicky from time to time, requesting Shinedown tunes, giving me updates, keeping me posted on life.
Over the next few months Brian checked in, good news, not so good news, then better news and most of all hope.
We all had so much hope. I shared Nicky’s story with our staff and we thought putting some things together for him (t-shirts, DHA swag, notes) may help him to know that the people at his favorite radio station were always thinking of him. I loved playing songs for him and his dad in the lunch hour. It always brought me back to what was what is really important in life when I heard from Brian.
Nicky fought so hard. I received an email from Brian that I dreaded. Nicky gained his angel wings in August of 2021 and it was an incredibly sad day for all of us at WDHA. More than one tear was shed for sure. I remember mentioning Nicky on the air and not being able to get the words out. I often think of the Storms family and their strength and unimaginable loss.
I recently heard from Brian who told me earlier this month his community pulled together and raised over 34,000 dollars for the construction of a Park in Nicky’s name and Brian sent me some incredible photos and a piece that ran on News 12 New Jersey. It made my heart smile. This family, who has been through so much, is finding ways to celebrate Nicky’s life STILL with the help of those in his community that knew him and loved him. What a legacy Nicky left!
The Nicholas Storms Playground is located at South End School, where Nicky was a student and provides a place where kids can be kids and a beautiful setting where those that knew Nicky can remember this amazing warrior who touched so many lives.
Thank You Brian for inspiring me with your strength and the memory of your beautiful son Nicky.
I still think of you guys whenever I play Shinedown.
Here is the link to the News 12 Piece as well.
Nicholas Storms Playground- News 12
Terrie Carr