Today is April Fool’s Day. I’ve never been a fan, despite the fact that I love to laugh. Pranks that people play today are usually either hurtful or just dumb and unfunny. I did think about playing a bunch of rap music when I came on air this afternoon, but again, that’s not really funny, and so, I’ll leave the humor to the comedians. What it did make me think of was funny videos. Not pranks or animals wearing whacky clothes, but rather rock music videos. I thought we could look at 5 Funny Rock Music Videos For April Fool’s Day.
I love going over videos. So many of them have great performances or tell a really cool story. Or some, just have exciting imagery that makes you think and wonder even more what the lyrics are about. But let’s not forget – there’s also funny rock videos too! This could be through a story that takes place throughout the songs, or just on-camera antics that cut in and out through the music video.
Either way, there’s been some good ones throughout the years. Rock hasn’t always been known for that. In fact, especially early on in the 80’s on MTV, you were almost sure to find a cool rock tune with a video of a good-looking female model caressing herself and dancing around half naked to the song. It really had nothing to do with the music, but as they say….sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
As things have progressed, bands have become really interesting in their approach to videos. There are some comical ones. I even like ones that are just plain fun. For a good example on what I mean by that, look no further than the always intriguing OK GO music videos.
For now though, let’s take a look at 5 Funny Rock Music Videos For April Fool’s Day.