Hi Friends!
Adopting a new pet or a best friend in training is a major commitment. There are so many WONDERFUL animals of all kinds in our local shelter groups. Young, Old, Purebred, Muttigree, Dogs, Cats, Rats, Bunnies, Birds….the list goes on.
Animals end up in shelters of no fault of their own. Owner death, divorce, financial difficulties, and other factors sometimes force humans to give up their pets.
Adopting a new pet could be life life-saving for our furry friends. It is always traumatic for pets to be re-homed, and sometimes it takes time for your new pet’s personality to emerge, but rescue animals ROCK and are so grateful for a second chance at life and love.
RELATED: The Benefits Of Adopting A Senior Pet
If you are considering adopting and especially if you are a first-time adopter, there are a few things to consider before finding the perfect match. Personally, for me, the rescue group is key.
I have had two beautiful experiences with my friends at The Denville Animal Shelter. Meredith runs the shelter and is open, honest, and helpful in fitting the lifestyle of pets and people, which is important. Many of our rescue groups do that.
Randolph Regional Animal Shelter is INCREDIBLE with its foster program, ensuring that the right pets and people fit together for a perfect match.

I love meeting shelter dogs and loving on them….something so simple…goes a long way
My tips are not laws, but opinions – based on my experience with Rock N’ Ruff, rescue dogs, and pet passionate listeners and our shelter partners. BTW…WDHA is planning a cool adoption event at the station so keep the date of Saturday, June 1st open! More details coming VERY SOON!
Thank you for coming to us on your first step on this amazing journey. And, thank you for thinking about adopting a new pet – member of the family. So here we go, see our tips below!