The word “irresistible” brings to mind all kinds of good connotations. The word means you’re charming, fun, inviting, friendly and simply someone people want to be around. Who wouldn’t want that, right? Well, as it turns out, there are some special traits that irresistible people have.
What Does Being Irresistible Mean?
Of course, a lot of times when you hear the word “irresistible,” you think about looks. Sure, that’s most often the first thing you notice in a person. But, for this article, we’re talking about traits that don’t have anything to do with looks that make you irresistible. There’s nothing wrong with still having good looks, of course. “Positive qualities are personal attributes, character traits, skills, or strengths that are considered good or help us in some way,” notes “It’s important to know your positive attributes and keep them in mind to develop a healthy level of confidence and self-worth.” They add that in order to really fall in love with someone, people have to feel “equally fascinated by their partner’s mental qualities.” I totally agree.
Reading through this list, you don’t have to possess all these qualities. “No one person can have every good quality ā but every person does have some good qualities,” notes “We each have an opportunity and an obligation to continue to grow and improve ourselves.” They add that learning these is part of one’s journey towards self-discovery.
Traits That Irresistible People Have
Now, let’s get into the list of traits that irresistible people have. Note that these traits are attractive in both men and women. They’re just universal. Of course, I would always start with the golden rule, to treat others how you would like to be treated. That’s definitely an important character trait to possess and one that’s always a winner. I personally believe being a good person is sexy and attractive.