10 Classic Jersey Rock Songs – Each in my humble opinion- should have been bigger hits than they were on radio and in record sales. (Ahhhhh who remembers record sales? – I still love vinyl)
It’s Terrie Carr, and being a music lover and Jersey girl all of my life, I have always (even pre-WDHA days) been enamored with the incredible talent in the Garden State. Recently I was watching the HBO Documentary about Steven Van Zandt – “Disciple” (Check out the trailer below) and kept asking myself – “How were these tunes not bigger hits”? Every time I hear “Forever” – I go nuts! A love song- with THE quintessential New Jersey sound. I also came across an old “Frankie and The Knockouts” record when cleaning the basement- Such a GOOD jersey band and “Sweetheart” was a classic. Do you remember?
So- Let’s Feature Some Jersey Songs That SHOULD Have Been Bigger!
As I usually do, I tried to keep my list diverse. Metal, Singer Songwriter, Stoner Rock, the common thread is THESE tunes (from New Jersey artists exclusively) are solid, unique, and never got what they deserved. How did I choose? Well, being from the state of New Jersey is not the only qualifier.
NOW, why not include a band like Trixter? (I know someone is going to ask me) Because their songs were the #1 most requested on MTV. I’m talking, tunes that went under the radar, from artists who deserved more from their crafting of these gems than they got. Whether it’s in the writing or delivering of the tune. I can hear a hit. A song that makes you feel good. A song that rocks. A song that connects.
So Why Doesn’t A Song Become a Hit If It’s Solid?

Sometimes timing is EVERYTHING when releasing music. There are many factors including changing musical climates, record company staff and priorities, contractual issues, and band dynamics just to name a few. Some of the bands on this list got caught up in musical trends holding them back, confusion with labels and management, and just plain bad timing.
I remember when I heard that #10 on my list got dropped from his record label I was shocked! So much potential- such a killer debut. WDHA tried to find hitmakers in the early days with a series of “WDHA N.J. ROCK” albums- boy was that fun!
So check out my list and hit me up with your suggestions at TC@WDHAFM.COM
Follow me on Instagram too and I’ll follow you back – Follow Terrie Carr @TCROCKDOG
Also See
- Why Jersey Metal Rules
- Do You Remember Jamming At These NJ Rock Clubs? Who Remembers The NJ Daytrip?
- Jon Bon Jovi Catches Up W/ TC On Reconnect With Rockers
Rock On Jersey!