New Jersey will be hosting the 2026 World Cup and this morning on Jersey Magazine here at 105.5 WDHA and 1250 WMTR, we welcome back Mike Ham from Greetings from the Garden State to talk about it.
JIM MONAGHAN – Mike you and I both have a baseball background but this morning we’re talking soccer world cup soccer specifically.
MIKE HAM – Yeah yeah we’re talking World Cup and it’s really exciting Jersey, I mean technically New York-New Jersey, but we’re all about Jersey here and it’s gonna be in New Jersey so we’re gonna just gonna say New Jersey coming to MetLife Stadium in 2026 and it’s very exciting you know huge event and the finals are gonna be here too which is which is pretty incredible.
JM – I noticed on the FIFA website that they list the stadiums by the city like it’s a Boston Stadium Philadelphia Stadium and at first I’m looking at wait what? And then I saw New York-New Jersey Stadium saw the picture and go oh I listen at least we’re finally getting some name recognition thrown in there it’s not yeah the New York Giants or the New York Jets we’re actually getting New Jersey in that title.
MH – Yeah I mean listen it’s, we’ll take it. You know I think the more that people see what we’re doing and what we have to offer the more respect gets put on our name so to speak and you know I’m pretty excited that, I mean not that I really have anything to do with it but I think it’s really exciting for the region and the state to have something like this because you know not only do you have the World Cup Games being played at MetLife, Philly is also one of the host stadiums so it’s almost kind of this really incredible moment for the northern part of the state and the southern part of the state to have this huge economic impact for what is coming to us in a couple years.
JM – And three host countries of which the United States is one Canada and Mexico the others and I think they’ve increased by 16 teams the number that will be competing in 2026 if I’m not mistaken.
MH – Yeah I think you’re right I forget they told me how many teams are going to be playing it’s like 36, 42 or something. I forget the exact number of teams that are going to be participating but I think in the state or in the country, excuse me, that I think there’s 11 host cities in the United States so you know all over the place but it’s all going to culminate in the finals here in New Jersey in East Rutherford.
JM – So you when the episode drops what do you have for us with regard to World Cup?
MH – Yeah so we got to sit down with a few different people so it’s a little bit different than what we normally do. We actually got a chance to go out to MetLife and sit down in one of their suites and talk to Lauren LaRusso and Bruce Revman who are the co-host city managers so they essentially run the World Cup host committee here in the state and then we sat with Steve Sansonese who’s the VP of Operations and Events at MetLife Stadium just to kind of get a glimpse into what’s actually you know taking place within the arena and kind of how they’re setting it up to meet both FIFA requirements and make sure that they’re giving the guests and attendees the same level of experience that they’ve come to expect from MetLife.
And then finally we sat down with Jim Kirkos who is the president and CEO of the Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce and also the Meadowlands Tourism Traveling Tourism Bureau, I think I messed up that part of his title but that’s a really important piece of it because you know you remember 10 years ago we had the Super Bowl come to MetLife and that was obviously a huge event and one of the things you know we they learned a lot from the big event like a Super Bowl coming through but this is I think they said something like 3 billion eyes are going to be on the World Cup games especially the final so it’s the biggest event in the world really, and making sure that the economic impact in that region is both prepared for and then realized in the best way possible by the local businesses and communities that surround MetLife Stadium and all the things that are going around that.
JM – You mentioned how popular the World Cup is around the world and it is really really huge, you know other sports may take precedence here in the United States for the most part during the regular course of the sporting year but once you get to the World Cup it’s incredible. Did they give you an idea of the economic impact that they’re expecting here in New Jersey from this?
MH – I think they’re still trying to figure that out numbers wise I think, but you know one of the things that we talked about and this is a really interesting piece and why I think the area in the region became such an integral part of the World Cup here in the United States and then ultimately hosting the final is the economic impact or the societal impact of how much this means to communities in this region.
So you look at that part of New Jersey obviously New York City as well and you could theoretically fill MetLife Stadium with people from the different countries that are going to be playing in MetLife Stadium with just the people that live in this immediate area, so it’s one of the most economic geographic socio-economic diverse areas of the world really and bringing it all culminating in this one place is going to be really exciting.
And they’re working on a lot of ways to help activate attendees and guests that may not have tickets to the games or matches I guess we got to call it a match um tickets to the matches but also being able to kind of host host parties in different parts of the region and the state and in New York City as well and just trying to maximize not just what’s happening within the stadium but in the communities around it.
JM – I am generally a casual fan of the World Cup, of soccer, but once the World Cup comes around I really kind of get glued to it except I still I just cannot wrap my head around extra time.
MH -Me neither, so if you’re looking for an explanation of that I can’t help you, but I just know it goes it’s 90 minutes but it goes a couple minutes longer you know and then you just got to deal with it.
JM – And you know who decides how many minutes and all that that’s the one that really throws me.
MH – Yeah well we got a couple years to figure it out because it’s not coming until 2026 so you and I can sit down and we’ll kind of you know iron out what extra time is and all the other rules that we don’t quite understand and we’ll we’ll be experts by the time the World Cup gets here.