The NJ music scene is front and center this week here on Jersey Magazine.
In our Greetings From the Garden State segment, Mike Ham and Jim Monaghan talk about the resurgence of live music and bands here in New Jersey, focusing around the Toms River-based band the Azures.
Each week Mike Ham talks with Jim Monaghan about some of the people and places that make New Jersey so special to those of us who live and work here.
Learn About the Teen Think Tank Project
The Teen Think Tank Project is a student-run research institute that fosters critical thinking, research, and problem-solving skills that empower students to become future change-makers.
Matt DeSantis is the CEO and co-founder of Teen Think Tank, and he joins Jim Monaghan this morning on Jersey Magazine to talk about how the project started, and how it has grown.
The Teen Think Tank Project
Founded in 2009, Teen Think Tank Project is designed to develop today’s teens into tomorrow’s leaders who will create a more positive and sustainable world for everyone. Their programs provide the next generation of leaders and advocates with the academic, emotional and practical skills needed to not only understand today’s societal issues, but also change them.
From Jim and Matt’s conversation, here are some helpful links for you –
Rock N Ruff
TC CollectionHermey getting loves from our engineer Bill Rock N’ Ruff is back with another amazing pup from Northstar Pet Rescue – (one of my favorite rescue groups to work with) HERMEY! It’s Terrie Carr, DHA Top Dog and puppy lover- Now, let me tell you about this amazing little guy, who is a perfect Chihuahua. If you like the Chi’s (but think they are a little loud and bossy….) Hermey is perfection.
A young dog, Hermey is sweet, very gentle, and shy and loves the company of other dogs. He must go to a home with a doggie buddy to show him the ropes and help him build his confidence. Hermey is in a foster home and comes to life when he plays with the dogs at home, running, playing, and having a ball. And did I mention, he is gorgeous? Out Hermey’s Video Hermey also requires some patience to bring him out of his shell. He is very reserved and will need some time to settle in, but he is a very gentle soul.
If you would like information on adopting Hermey, please reach out to Northstar Pet Rescue
TC CollectionHermey at his filming Photo Credit- Joe FrazzHermey at WDHA Adoption Day in June Hermey would make a fantastic family member. Gentle, sweet, loyal, and loving. What could be better? I’m so amazed he has been with Northstar since the spring and has not found his family yet! He’s such a good boy!
Check out more of our Rock N’ Ruff Adoptables and pet content in the links below!
Coach Sheets Ride In
Jeremy Sheetinger is the head baseball coach atGeorgia Gwinnett Colleg where he led the Grizz Gang to the 2021 NAIA National Championship.
These quick hits may, on the surface, be geared toward his fellow baseball coaches, but his motivational message can easily be applied to the classroom, workplace, and your personal relationships.
This week, Coach Sheets takes us back to something Benjamin Franklin said nearly 300 years ago that still applies to us in 2024.
— Jeremy Sheetinger | Sheets (@CoachSheets3) September 12, 2024
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” - Benny Franks
We know this is true…but how many times & ways do we avoid it?
What’s out there for you to go cure? And next time, ‘prehab’ & prevent it!
Go crush it!
⚡️ Positive Vibes Only!
#👊 Look
Looking for something fun to do in the area? Chris Swendeman has you covered with this week’s Local Look.
There are always so many fun events happening in our local communities. Check out what’s in store this week in New Jersey.
- Enjoy a day out in Union County for the Fannie Wood Day Street Fair in Fanwood. Fannie Wood Day has something to offer everyone. Come out and enjoy the epic people watching Stroll Pass, the Great Booth shop, local merchants and eat some great food and listen to music. The event runs from 10 AM. to 5 PM at the South Side Train Station and it’s free.
- You can stop by Sayreville for their Community Day 2024. It’s a day of fun for the whole family. Come celebrate everything that makes this Middlesex town so great. There will be a food court, live music, rides and games. Admission is free and runs from noon to 4 PM today.
- And you can keep the celebrations going by heading north for Sussex County Day. The event is a free family friendly event celebrating everything unique and awesome about Sussex County. Enjoy fun, interactive booths and displays that highlight all that the county has to offer. The event is located on the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta and runs from noon to 4 PM today.
And that’s your Local Look for this week on The Jersey Magazine. If you’d like your event to be featured on The Local Look, you can email us at See you next week on 105.5 WDHA.
Questions or comments about the show? We would love to hear from you. Email us at