Hey Rockers! BOOM- BOOM!
The WDHA Coffee Break theme this week (with me, TC) features “Singing Rock Drummers and The Tunes They Sing On”!
Sometimes the drummer is relegated to the back of the band, keeping the back beat, filling and pounding the skins, but some of rock’s biggest tunes are sung by the back beat masters who also hold the responsibility of pounding not only the skins but the hits too!
It’s so physical to be the backbone of the band as the drummer and to also carry a lead vocal is really masterful and quite challenging. These guys make it easy.
This list is “basically” drummers who give us some fantastic lead vocals and who have sung on some amazing rock hits or cool tunes from their bands. We hit many eras, genres and sonic variety with this list that ranges from Phil Collins, to Levon Helm to Taylor Hawkins. It’s so cool to see artists that were behind a kit make their way to the front of their band too and step out for front person status and the firing up of the live crowd. Whether it’s behind the kit or in front of the crowd, the incredible talent of our listed “singing drummers” is off the charts.
Some of these videos included are from live performance, others from the videos that made our “singing drummers” famous and the voices on drummers like Phil Collins, Dave Grohl and Don Henley are undeniable. THEY are the guys you want singing in your band. How could you not? Take a look at the list and watch some of the videos and forge a new respect for the bangers that due double duty to make the music we love mean so. much to us.
Some on this list are gone from us and others are still actively touring and making music, so don’t waste time and when you can, check out live music and the talented people behind the kit AND the tunes!
Do you have a favorite singing drummer? Hit me up, I love hearing from you-
[email protected] or give a call to 973-292-1055.
Rock On!