The DHA Pod Squad

The DHA Pod Squad

The DHA Pod Squad


Sometimes hanging and listening to a great Podcast is the way to go!

Meet the DHA POD SQUAD! Showing that there is more to the Rock of New Jersey than just Rock!

If you love gaming check out THE NERD OUT Podcast with Joho and Bufis. Nerd Out is a lifestyle podcast that covers comics, games, tech and all things pop culture!

Chances are good you’ll find JoHo looking for the latest tech he can get his hands on to tinker with. When he isn’t doing that, he’s probably got a video game controller his hand. He considers Middle Earth a nice place to retire too. Mike Bufis or “Bufis” is a cosplay, comic, & video game nerd. He LOVES Star Wars and has a general passion for all things geeky.

Terrie Carr checks out New Jersey’s true behind the scenes Rockstars in the WHO ROCKS JERSEY podcast. Our great state has Rockstars that don’t necessarily play an instrument but make the state a better place. TC catches up with amazing citizens who make our lives better.

Check out exciting guests each month and tune in to the