I’m no Ghost Paranormal expert and I understand that people truly believe in ghosts. I’m not saying they do not exist, I have never seen or met one.
Now, common sense would say that all cemeteries are haunted by ghosts right? I saw Poltergeist the movie like 100 times. The house the family lived in was built on a graveyard and they weren’t haunted by one ghost but by a lot of ghosts.
Here’s the thing I believe if ghosts exist and you can see them that a cemetery will have more than one ghost. Does Tillie tell all the other ghosts just chill everybody I got this?
I am not the person to go hang out in a cemetery to find out so I will stick with my beliefs. If Tillie is running things in this cemetery, well go on girl with your bad self.
Scroll below to check out the 3 cemeteries Fun New Jersey researched here in New Jersey with paranormal presence or click here to learn more.