Clint Hurdle is a former Major League Baseball player, coach, and manager who took the Colorado Rockies to the World Series in 2007.
Now a special assistant to the General Manager (“Sometimes I’m more special than others,” Clint jokes) for the Rockies, Clint is one of the most positive people on the planet.
New Year’s Resolutions
A few years ago, Clint sent out an email that spoke of New Year’s Resolutions and the One Word Challenge. The idea is that instead of setting lofty goals that sound great (lose weight, work out every day, etc.) but are almost impossible to execute, pick one word as a kind of year-long mantra.
I have a terrible time staying focused. Doing the Morning Jolt, that’s not always a bad thing because things are always fluid.
There’s this song to talk about, and Florida Man’s daily antics, and then there are traffic reports to get to, plus sports.
I don’t HAVE to focus on just one thing. In fact, I can’t focus on just one thing.
At home?
It’s a completely different story. The list of projects that often take forever to finish because I’m onto the next one would make for a nice mid-size novel.
One Word Challenge
So in 2022, I decided to use the word “focus” for my One Word.
Did it work?
Sort of. But sometimes focusing on the word “focus” was a lot easier said than done.
In 2023, I chose “finish” and I was surprised at just how easy it was to follow that.
So when it came time to pick my 2024 word, I looked for synonyms for “finish” but I was coming up with words like “annihilate.”
But I don’t want to destroy anything…I just want to get things done.
To find out what my 2024 word is, and to find out what Clint’s word is, check out our conversation.