Curtis Kay
Curtis Kay’s career began as a “Teen Idol” in 1974 when he scored a number one hit record with his cover of Leslie Gore’s 60’s hit, “It’s My Party”. Soon teenage girls across the country were hanging his poster in their bedrooms and buying lunch box’s with his likeness on them! Copies of “Tiger Beat” and “Teen Beat” flew off the store shelves as “Kay Mania” swept the teen world!
His agent got Hollywood to produce three “B” movies. “Beach Baby Island”, “Return To Beach Baby Island”, and “Revenge Of Beach Baby Island”. All three low budget movie’s were shot in one week and paned by critics. Young girls however, flocked to see their idol!
Soon, Curtis was living the high life, with a mansion in Hollywood, and numerous sports cars. He developed a reputation as a “party boy”, dating many Hollywood starlets.
It all came to an end, when a reporter from the National Inquirer, discovered that a studio singer, not Curtis, had sung his one big hit. Disgruntled teenagers, burned his records and posters and whatever else had his picture on it! His agent dumped him, lawsuits and the IRS took his mansion, sports cars and left him penniless! Nobody would return his calls. He suffered a breakdown and checked into the Tony Orlando, Rest Home For People Who Used Up Their 15 Minutes Of Fame.
Destitute, he took a job at a famous discount department store. His luck changed one day, when a WDHA talent scout heard him say on the P.A. system “Attention shoppers, there’s a blue light special in isle three!” He was signed to a contract in 1980 and the rest is history!!