
Songwriter Franke Previte On the Morning Jolt

Back in the early 1980’s WDHA played a song by a local New Jersey band called “Sweetheart.” Written by Franke Previte, that song was a Top 10 hit for Franke…

Franke & the Knockouts CD

Back in the early 1980's WDHA played a song by a local New Jersey band called "Sweetheart." Written by Franke Previte, that song was a Top 10 hit for Franke & the Knockouts.

Move forward a few years and Franke Previte is sitting on the Garden State Parkway talking with music producer Jimmy Ienner about a song he wants Franke to write for a movie.

Franke somewhat reluctantly agreed, and subsequently wrote two gigantic songs from the film Dirty Dancing - "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" and "Hungry Eyes."

Franke has just released a new 3-CD compilation of his work with the Knockouts along with some previously unreleased material and called into the Jolt to talk about it with Jim Monaghan and John Hodorovych.

A portion of the proceeds from this new compilation is going to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in memory of Patrick Swayze.