Apple Corps Awarded $77 Million in Unlicensed Beatles Merch Suit
Apple Corps won big in U.S. District Court recently in a lawsuit about the unlicensed sale of Beatles merchandise.
Per Digital Music News, Apple Corps received a $77 million dollar verdict against 77 individuals and small businesses that were sued for selling fake Beatles apparel. Judge Beth Bloom, believe it or not, actually went light on the 77 offenders, because the maximum fine for selling counterfeit goods is up to $2 million per offensive, which would’ve yielded Apple Corps $154 million.
However, Digital Music News within just the last year alone notes those fine likely won’t be paid by the defendants since none of them appeared in court, and that the lawsuit was, more or less, a way to show what the consequences would be if someone tries to sell bootleg goods in the future. Plus, it’s not like Apple Corps — which is still owned by living Beatles Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and the estates of John Lennon and Geroge Harrison — really need the $77 million. They’ve made a decent amount of money through streaming, licensing and other business dealings.