I’ve talked about some interesting music you need to listen to before.  But it’s time for 5 More Rock Mashups you need to hear.  This comes fresh off the official release of a brand-new one.

Alanis Morissette and Joan Jett just released an official mash-up to hype up their summer tour. “Hate Myself for Loving You Oughta Know” was produced by DJ Cummerbund and it combines Jett’s “I Hate Myself for Loving You” with Morissette’s “You Oughta Know,” plus for good measure, a tad bit of “I Love Rock ‘n Roll.” It’s pretty cool and had me thinking, there are so many great ones out there, that we should take a look at more.

I’ve always been intrigued by mashups.  I’m not exactly sure why, but maybe because it’s taking multiple awesome songs and putting them together for something really fun.  Or maybe it’s because I don’t know how it’s done LOL.  I know music, I play drums…..but I can’t figure out how you can tell what songs would mix together well.

It’s almost like these folks that make these know exactly what they’re doing and they hear a song before they get started and think to themselves, “Oh, that might fit together with X, Y, or Z.”

Again, I really don’t know how it’s done, but when it comes together well….it makes you chuckle and possibly even rock out.  I’m usually amazed by it and love hearing new ones.  So I figured I’d show you some cool ones that you may not have seen or heard before.

These have me thinking, maybe I’ll try to make one someday soon.  But I need to ask somebody how the hell this works hahaha.  Until I get my own worked out, here are 5 more rock mashups you need to hear!

  • Alanis Morissette And Joan Jett

    This is the one that just came out that promotes the tour. It sounds really well done. Professional level, and it works really well! https://youtu.be/0P3shkZvO3o?si=aPjUrkKSKS-uPCZF

  • Mastadon and Justin Timberlake

    Like Mastadon’s heaviness, but want some funky dance vocals layered over it?  Oh well you’re in luck, because that’s what you get here.  JT never sounded so good! https://youtu.be/wrkYwLbPg8M?si=NhXDIlwuEHAvE5pU

  • Slipknot and Spice Girls

    Can this be real?  Am I having a fever dream?  No, it’s real.  And it creeps me out how well it works.  Slipknot over the hypnotic 90’s anthem from the British pop group!

  • Avenged Sevenfold and Katy Perry

    It’s a summertime pop jam from Katy Perry with vocals from M. Shadows!  Worlds collide with pop and metal meeting.  It works and it’s trippy! https://youtu.be/zgO7i40-Ce8?si=3t6OuwwZm9_JfKQb

  • Korn and The Lion King

    This one is very odd.  Almost too strange.  But kind of cool how they got Jonathan Davis’ vocals to fit over the music.  Worth a listen if not anything else. https://youtu.be/KzA0rJ_hVXc?si=GGYzw4N9Ydx6c_h3

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