Cities or States In The Title Of Five Great Rock Songs. That’s what we’re going to take a look at today. There are probably more songs than you would think. It was a recent question of the day and I got so many responses where I was like “Oh yeah….I forgot about that one!” LOL
At 4 pm weekdays, I post a question of the day to the DHA Facebook page. I let that sit for a bit as the answers come in and then at 5 pm, I choose some of the answers to put together a block of music for the drive home. Yesterday I asked listeners to name songs with Cities of States in the title.
As I mentioned, there were some surprises from songs I didn’t think of or ones that I forgot about. Some listeners had lists put together and I was just happy that I didn’t have to answer my own question because I drew a blank!
Artists love having the focus of a city or State in the title because it draws more of a connection to the listener of the music. Maybe the artist is from that place, played it live, or just likes it there, it gives another bond besides the actual music itself! Listeners like to hear the place they live in get a shout-out because it makes them feel kind of cool.
Think how exciting it is to be at a Bruce show and have him mention Jersey or an area in one of his songs and then you think to yourself how cool it is that one of our own made it to the big time! It’s an exciting feeling and one that is undeniable. Even hearing about other states and cities is cool because you sort of feel connected to the lyrics. That’s the powerful thing about lyrics and music in general.
Let’s take a look at some Cities or States In The title of five great rock songs.