Maybe Florida Man Should Have Tried “The Devil Made Me Do It” Defense
Florida Man offers a lot of different excuses for his antics. Next time, maybe he should try comedian Flip Wilson’s classic “the devil made me do it” defense. FLORIDA MAN…

Florida Man offers a lot of different excuses for his antics. Next time, maybe he should try comedian Flip Wilson's classic "the devil made me do it" defense.
DATELINE - Marion County and the Saga of Florida Man Hector Diaz.
There are a number of characters involved in this story, including Diaz's sister, who called the police after she heard a noise outside her home.
When she looked outside the window, she saw her brother walking around her fiance's car. At first, she didn't think anything of it, but when her fiance woke up for work the next day, both of his side mirrors were broken and hanging from the car, according to deputies.
Deputies were at the home doing an investigation of the incident. Diaz appears again. He was taken into custody but still spoke with deputies. In a post-Miranda interview, he said that he went to his sister's house in the first place to speak to his father because he was having bad dreams. He also said he was drunk at the time, and his wife drove him there.
I'm wondering if he shouldn't have just used the Flip Wilson Defense.
"I didn't want to buy this dress. The devil made me buy this."
See the Flip Wilson Defense In Action
When Diaz was walking up to the front door, he said he bumped that was his word into his brother in law's car. He knocked on the door, and when nobody answered, he walked back to the car and bumped into it again. It wasn't until Diaz's wife and father told him about the incident with the brother in law's car that he realized that the vehicle was damaged.
Deputies say the driver's side and passenger side mirrors were broken and hanging from the brother in law's car. They added that the damage caused to the mirrors would have been from an excessive amount of force as they were separated and broken in half from the extended part of the vehicle. The damage is at least $1200.
Drunk, having a bad dream, or the devil?
"I didn't want to buy this dress. The devil made me buy this dress."
Top 5 “Florida Man Strikes Again” Stories For September 2023
Each month, Florida Man seems determined to top his antics from the previous 30 days.
And somehow, he manages to succeed.
In the month of September, transportation appeared to be trending in the Sunshine State - stolen cars, torched vehicles, hamster wheels - you name it!
Getting robbed and arrested all in a matter of a few minutes? That seems like quite the feat.
Until you remember that it's Florida Man we're talking about.
And then there's assault with a deadly lollipop.
What's your favorite Florida Man story from September?
Florida Man Would Have Been Far Better Off Just Eating the Lollipop
Who doesn’t love lollipops? We’re pretty sure that Florida Man can be counted in the “yes” category when they’re being passed out.
You go to the bank, and there they are at the counter. Oh sure, they’re supposed to be for the kids but you know you’ve taken one (or two) for yourself.
Leave it to Florida Man to use a lollipop as a weapon.
Only Florida Man Would Steal A Rolls Royce and Then Rent It Out
This might be one of our all-time favorite Florida Man stories.
There are only a handful of Rolls Royce Wraiths painted in this particular shade of purple. So what does Florida Man do when he steals it?
He posts it for rent on social media.
Florida Man Gets Robbed And Arrested All In the Same Day
Florida Man possesses some very unique traits. For example, how many people can claim they were robbed, call the police to report the theft, and then end up arrested?
Jealous Florida Man Carries A Torch For Both His Girlfriend and Her Jaguar XE
When a jealous Florida Man carries a figurative torch for his girlfriend, and a literal one for her Jaguar SE, you just KNOW you have a hot story on your hands.
Florida Man and His Giant Hamster Wheel Go For the Grand Slam
There’s nothing like having a hobby. In the case of Florida Man, it’s gone from a giant hamster wheel hobby to an obsession worthy of a grand slam.
Now, if this story sounds familiar, well, it should because this is not the first time Baluchi has attempted this.
There were similar stunts in 2014, 2016, and in 2021 which we had told you about in a previous episode of Florida Man Strikes Again.
All of those episodes have ended with Coast Guard intervention.