Florida Man REALLY Picks the Absolute Worst Guy To Mess With
We would never advocate trying to attack someone in the first place, but this Florida Man REALLY picked the wrong guy to mess with. FLORIDA MAN STRIKES AGAIN DATELINE –…

We would never advocate trying to attack someone in the first place, but this Florida Man REALLY picked the wrong guy to mess with.
DATELINE - Miami and the Saga of Florida Man Omar Marrero.
If you're going to get into a fight or an argument with someone, there are probably some rules you should follow. One, fight the battles you know you can win. If you're a parent, you know what I'm talking about. Get into an argument with your spouse or get into an argument with your kids. Fight the battle you know you can win.
Read the room, know what's going on, and know your opponent.
Well, apparently, Omar didn't follow any of those.
He went up to another guy sitting in a car, hit on one of the car windows, then tried to jump into the car to cut the guy with a knife.
That guy got out of the car and tried to calm Marrero down. That's when Marrero came at him with another knife.
And that's when Marrero was body-slammed to the ground because the guy he chose to go after was another Florida Man by the name of Javier Baez, with a 5-2-1 MMA record.
"When you train so many times," Baez says, "it just becomes a reflex. I've been training my whole life, black belt jujitsu, wrestled in college, eight pro fights, MMA Masters. I've got great training partners."
For one Florida Man, it was "easy peasy"
So Baez, as we said, slammed Marrero to the ground and put him in a chokehold. And once that happened, well, Marrero just kind of let go because when you're in a chokehold, you're not worried about anything other than breathing.
"Easy peasy," is how Baez put it.
Yeah, I guess if you're an MMA guy, it's easy peasy. Marrero, by the way, charged with one count each of burglary, assault or battery, and aggravated battery.
Top 5 “Florida Man Strikes Again” Stories For October 2023
We have to admit, it was kind of hard to pick our top five "Florida Man Strikes Again" stories for the month of October because there was just so many good ones to choose from.
We had stolen vehicles, drugs (LOTS of drugs), a return from the dead that was harder than Florida Man certainly would have wanted to be, a return to the scene of the crime, and we couldn't leave out a bad movie choice by a teacher for his students.
Choosing only five meant leaving some real gems behind.
What was your favorite Florida Man story for October?
Returning To This Walmart Was A Bad Choice For These Florida Women
We don’t know about you, but if we were to commit a crime, probably the absolute last place we would venture 24 hours later would be the exact scene of that crime.
And yet that is exactly what these two Florida Women did.
Florida Man Returns From the Dead In Time For Halloween
Of all the many things Florida Man has done, making a return from the dead in time for Halloween ranks among his biggest accomplishments.
Who else could go from a minor car accident to having to prove he's still very much alive?
Florida Man Must Have Had A Really Wild Weekend Planned
Based upon the amount of Viagra (and a lot of other drugs) that Florida Man asked for at a local CVS pharmacy, he must have had some really wild plans.
Florida Man Introduces His Class To A Terrifying Winnie the Pooh
Remember how excited you used to get as a kid when the teacher decided to show a movie to the class?
And if the class got to pick the film, that made it even better.
Unless you happen to have Florida Man as your teacher.
Florida Man Goes For A Job Interview and Then Steals Worst Possible Car
Florida Man was in need a job. So he went on a job interview.
For some reason, he decided to steal a car in the parking lot of the interview, a Cadillac SUV.
Turns out it was the worst possible car he could have chosen, thanks to GM’s OnStar Guardian feature which apparently can take command of the vehicle at the worst possible time for Florida Man.