I thought we could talk about music. I had an idea for 6 awesome 4/20 songs! To some it’s like the biggest holiday of the year. That would be the stoner crowd. Some events take place, consumption that goes on, and of course – the jams!
If you didn’t know 420 could be celebrated every day when you partake in weed around the time of 4:20.
It’s also just kind of slang for hashish consumption. It’s surprising when you find out how many people enjoy this activity whether recreationally or for medical reasons.
Origins of 4/20
If you’re looking for the origins of this term……well that could be traced back as follows
Back in the early ’70s, five high school students in San Rafael, California, used the term “4:20” in connection with a plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop. This was based on a treasure map made by the marijuana grower.
The group of 5 students decided that the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School would be their meeting place and 4:20 pm would be their meeting time! They would then refer to this plan when talking about it with the phrase “4:20 Louis”. The phrase eventually got shortened to”4:20″, and was used kind of like a code word for using or consuming cannabis.
Check out the full article about the phrase here
Seventeen percent of Americans in 2023 reported they smoke marijuana, similar to the 16% found in 2022 but higher than the 11% to 13% range recorded from 2015 to 2021.
You can read all about the data here
That’s millions of Americans nationwide lighting up or consuming edibles. And when they do, they might look to enjoy some music. Or on 4/20 tomorrow, they might just like to celebrate one of their favorite pastimes with some cool tunes!
Let’s take a look at 6 awesome 420 songs!