Hi Friends,
TC here and part of my role as Program Director at WDHA is to find new rockers who are talented, passionate, and inspiring.
Musicians, Front People, Solid Songs, Great Live Shows….it’s all part of the process!
Here are just a few newer, diverse artists to watch, who mainly emerged in the last five to ten years and have their sound anchored in some of the classic rock artists, blues, and funk influences that they and we love.
It thrills me to see the torch passed and carried from generation to generation. Those that casually say, “There are no good new rock bands” …..bite your tongue and open your ears! Some you may know, others you may just discover. I have been privileged to have had most of these amazing artists on Reconnect With Rockers with me, so in addition to their music videos, I’ve included some interview face time too.
Enjoy Rockers! Rock is ALIVE AND WELL!
So for those that whine “Rock Is Dead” – Take a listen.
And if you have a band you would like me to check out…hit me up at [email protected]