There’s been so many Christmas movies on TV and the streaming services it’s almost overwhelming. I’ve even done a few lists of some animated Holiday films to check out and movies that take place at Christmas time that aren’t necessarily Holiday films. Today though, I’m going to give you Mike Anthony’s Top 5 favorite Christmas movies OF all time, in no particular order of course.
Christmas movies are a lot of fun for most people to watch. These movies are positive and hopeful. Plus, they give you a sense of wonder and help you feel like a kid again.
And who doesn’t like that? Times were easier when we were young. Worrying about whether or not a toy was wrapped under the tree when we woke up on Christmas morning was one of the biggest concerns we had as children. No anxiety over looming credit card debt, mortgage payments, or prices from our mechanic. But things change, sadly.
I don’t know when things change exactly, but as we get older, there are bigger concerns. We worry less about what’s under the tree and more about our jobs, fixing up the house, and making sure we can pay all of our bills. And that’s no fun!
So, these silly, fun, and larger-than-life Christmas films help remind us of that feeling we had growing up. Waiting for Santa to come to the house to stuff our stockings and leave us our most coveted items. Sure, maybe it’s not toys in the traditional sense that we really want any longer. But maybe an electronic gadget, appliance, tool, or even a cool jersey of our favorite team.
Either way, it’s time for me to let you know Mike Anthony’s Top 5 Favorite Christmas movies of all time are!
And I reiterate, these are in no particular order!!!!!!!!!!!