WDHA’s Reconnect With Rockers with Rudy Sarzo and Regina Banali (ZOOM Video)
I’m so thrilled that Reconnect With Rockers is back for a new year of webisodes and I thank all of you for your support and passion. We kick off 2023 with two incredible friends. Bass legend Rudy Sarzo and Regina Banali, the widow of Quiet Riot legend Frankie Banali. I am honored to have them both kick off the new year with the good news that there is a GREAT “lost” Quiet Riot song that has been found called – “I Can’t Hold On” which features both Kevin Dubrow and Frankie Banali.
Rudy discusses putting his bass tracks on it to help complete the tune and Regina (who is a filmmaker and best known for the QR documentary “Well, Now You’re Here, There’s No Way Back” ) put together the video that so perfectly fits the song.
Keeping the Quiet Riot legacy alive, Frankie’s passion and the relationship of band and family are topics we discuss and of course the incredible 80’s!
I adore both Rudy and Regina, so this Reconnect was really special.
Rock On! Video Below!