How F’d Up Were You 2-27-23
Mondays can be rough.
Today was a pretty good example.
You’re dragging yourself to work…thinking about how bad it might be on Tuesday if we actually get that forecasted snow tonight (and NO complaints here, because we’ve had a RIDICULOUSLY mild winter).
But, as with anything else, it can always be worse.
Take the case of the Indiana man who neighbors saw passed out on his back porch.
Fearing the worst, they called 911 and when responders got there they found this guy unconscious but luckily still breathing.
When they were able to revive him, you might think he would respond with a “Hey, thanks!” type of response.
Instead, he looked at one of the cops, muttered “eff-you” and then bit the policeman’s arm.
To literally no one’s surprise, a syringe with a substance that turned out to be crystal meth was found next to the guy.
So yes, it can ALWAYS be worse.