Will This Be the Game Zach Wilson Finally Gets His Revenge Against the Patriots
Week 3 of the 2023 NFL regular season and the 1-1 Jets are taking on the 0-2 Patriots at MetLife Stadium. This morning on the WDHA Two-Minute Drill, Jim Monaghan and Chris Swendeman break the game down.
CHRIS SWENDEMAN – Good morning, Jim. How are you?
JIM MONAGHAN – I’m good. You know, a few weeks ago, before the Aaron Rodgers injury, this was the week jet fans had circled on the calendar. They couldn’t wait to get a hold of the Patriots in their own building. And then WAMMO! Here we are. I was looking at some numbers. Zach Wilson is 0-4 against the Patriots, 54 for 106, 693 yards. And here’s the real ouch – seven interceptions and only two touchdowns.
CS – Brutal. Absolutely brutal. But I’m telling you, this is the week, Jim. I’m going to call it now. It’s they’re playing home. The defense is going to carry them. And it’s going to be the J-E-T-S Jets Jets Jets over the Patriots this weekend.
JM – You know, I think the Patriots defense has played relatively well this season. They still don’t have an offense. But I think this is where the game is going to be made or broken for both teams. You just mentioned the Jet defense. The Patriots defense has been surprisingly good. In fact, that’s where Belichick really concentrated in the off season. It wasn’t trying to figure out who Mac Jones could really throw to. Or I mean, I know they got Ezekiel, but in terms of the running game, it’s not overpowering. And Jones is hardly going to make anybody forget Tom Brady. But that defense has been really, really good so far.
CS – It really has, Jim. But I think it comes down to the Jets defense is just that much better. I think the Jets defense is on another level. And they held in there with Dallas for the most part of that game last week. They really held them in and gave Zach Wilson and the offense every opportunity. But I think it was Dallas’s defense that was just a little stronger than the Jets that kind of powered them and wore the Jets offense down. But this week, I think the Jets defense takes over. They’re going to get on Mac Jones. They’re going to stuff the run. And I think you’re going to see the Jets running game take over and wear down the Patriots defense. And it’s going to equate to a Jets win.
JM – I don’t think it’s a make-or-break game for the Jets this season, even though it’s the Patriots and even though it’s home. I think if they lose, it’s like, OK, big deal. We’ll just move on. If they win, it is definitely a confidence booster though for Zach Wilson.
CS – Absolutely. He needs to get a W under his belt quick. The quicker he does it, the more confidence builds behind them. And then he maybe can get on a roll with that running game and the receivers he has and that help propel him to help leading this team.
JM – Now, before we let you go, I know you’ve got something going on tonight. Tell our DHA listeners what you’re up to.
CS – Very excited. Post concert tonight, going to be hosting a little VIP party at the Lita Ford Last In Line concert to Starland Ballroom tonight. We’re going to be having some lucky DHA listeners meet lead afford after the show. So I’m looking forward to that.
JM – I know you’re a big Lita Ford fan. So this is really cool.
CS – Oh, I am so excited. She’s such an amazing talent and such a great guitarist. So this is going to be a great night at Starland Ballroom.
JM – And that’s the Two-Minute Drill here at 105.5 WDHA on the Morning Jolt. Thanks, Chris.
CS – Thanks, Jim. Have yourself a great weekend. Talk to you next week.