Gene Simmons Guest Judging On Dancing With The Stars
I’m not a huge Dancing With The Stars fan. But I’ll tell you when I heard this – Gene Simmons Guest Judging on Dancing With The Stars, I thought, that I needed to see it! It’s part of hair metal night and it sounds like a lot of fun.
The problem I have with Dancing With The Stars is not about being too cool to ballroom dance, or thinking the show is too girly. It’s that when you have the word Stars in your title, you should bring you’re a-game. And sadly with each passing season, there are more D-List celebrities and even people that are barely recognizable to the average person. When I saw the list of “celebrities” for this season, I had to google over half of them to see what they do and why they’re famous. I think that’s a little ridiculous.
That aside, I can tell you that I think this special night tomorrow (Tuesday night) is going to be a lot of fun with Gene Simmons of Kiss! Apparently, there will be an opening dance extravaganza set to the classic Kiss tune “Rock & Roll All Nite”. The show will also feature Warrant’s Cherry Pie, Poison, Bon Jovi, and who knows what else.
To be quite honest, I don’t even know who left competing on the show. And even if I did, I most likely wouldn’t know who those people were and what they do. But with a soundtrack like this, I still think it’s going to be a lot of fun!
Not to mention that Gene Simmons is a character as well. I think he’s going to have some fun with it and of course, be quite opinionated when it comes to judging. It’ll be interesting to hear what he has to say. So, tomorrow night, throw up the horns, turn up the TV, and bang your head as the “stars” dance to hair metal!