Dr. Phil Is Saving America One Florida Man At A Time
DATELINE – South Florida
Even the quickest perusal of your social media pages will bring you to the inevitable conclusion – America is a country divided.
Never mind the political side of things.
There’s sauce/gravy, Taylor ham/pork roll, your team vs. my team, the Grammy awards.
For the love of God is there nothing we can agree on?
Dr. Phil had Florida Man on his show recently. Actually he had a couple of Florida Men on his show to talk about the burning issue of the day – iguanas.
It seems Darren has been feeing wild green iguanas at his home, and some of his neighbors – specifically Matthew – aren’t happy about the invasion of the green critters.
Darren thinks his neighbors are just jealous. Matthew is tired of cleaning iguana poop off his brick patio and he’s concerned about what might happen is one of his dogs is attacked by a hungry iguana.
You can check out the video of this mess here.