WDHA’s Rock N’ Ruff With Katie Girl From Northstar Pet Rescue
WDHA’s Rock N’ Ruff is back – this is the MOST PERFECT pup! Her name is KATIE GIRL and she is currently being fostered through North Star Pet Rescue https://www.northstarpets.org and she is perfect.
Check Out Katie’s Video!
About Katie Girl

Katie Girl came to Northstar many months ago (at 4 months old) and went into her foster family and the only mystery is how she has not been adopted yet! Katie girl loves everyone she meets. That includes people, (especially the small variety as she is very kid-friendly) and other dogs and she even does fine with cats! She enjoys car rides, long walks, and settling down to get lots of love, pets, and kisses. She’s a very, very good kisser and is being fostered by Chris and his wonderful family who have fantastic things to say about this young dog (she’s under a year old) and how she will fit into just about any family.
Katie has the sweetest face too, with a few crinkles around her gorgeous eyes and a constantly wagging tail. I (TC) first met her at Northstar’s “Strut Your Mutt” event in May and was sure she would find a home immediately. Then I saw her at our June “Dog Days Of Summer” event and was baffled as to why she still was not adopted I finally said, “Let’s Get This Dog On Rock N’ Ruff”!
She is simply one of the most lovely dogs I have ever met! Puppy Perfection for sure.
How Can You Adopt Katie Girl?

Head to The Northstar Pet Rescue Website at Northstar Pets Website and fill out an application!
So many lovely animals are waiting to meet you – not only at Northstar but so many of our local rescuers. Please consider adopting your next family member. Every size, shape, breed, muttigree, energy level and more are waiting to meet you.
And don’t forget to check out some of our pet-related stories and content on the Rock N’ Ruff Page WDHA Rock N’ Ruff
The Rock N’ Ruff Roundtable – TC’s RNR Roundtable and sweet Titan who is still waiting for a forever home. Check Out Titan! (From Halfway Home Animal Rescue)
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