Pet Month Blog- My Dog Rosie’s Story- TC

Rosie and mom the day of her rescue
Hi animal loving friends,
TC here, and most of you know me as an critter loving DJ who loves helping animals in need. I am almost always promoting shelter pets and how important adoption is. I don’t talk that much about my own pups, because they have a great home and don’t need the face time! However, with May being “Pet Month” on WDHA, for those who may not know my dog Rosie’s story, it is quite remarkable.
On June 2nd 2016, 276 dogs were rescued (some actually giving birth at the time of the rescue) from a horrific hoarding situation in Howell New Jersey. I remember seeing the news coverage and marveling at how many animal control officers wearing hazmat suits were helping these tiny dogs escape abuse and neglect. Some were so paralyzed with fear they couldn’t move. I never imagined one of the tiny puppies being taken out of this horror show would be mine. Fast forward to the next day, at our Dover Dodge event, a very tired Meredith Petrillo who was part of the rescue told me some of these puppies were now residing at the Denville Animal Shelter. I told her I wanted to stop by and see them. It was then that I met a tiny brown pup with a spunky attitude. In the cage with her mom and siblings. Instantly I felt connected to her. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and called Meredith and said I wanted her to join our family which included a furry sibling named Scarlet.
Rosie was super scared of dogs, noises, many things which was a new experience for me. With patience, love, classes at St. Huberts and guidance from her sister Scarlet, Rosie has come a long way in just under two years. When I first got her she would react to every dog barking anywhere! On TV, the computer….anywhere! Perhaps the constant barking in her previous surroundings? (C’mon 276 little dogs??! there was barking!) She was frightened, and bullied my older dog Scarlet a bit out of fear. Now they are best friends. Rosie is Scarlet’s shadow. mine too. She has grown into a beautiful, loyal and happy pup. We love her to pieces.
On June 9th 2018 the Howell dogs will be reuniting at a Leon Smock 80 Acre Park in Eatontown. Rosie will be there and if you are in the area stop by and see how wonderful life is for many of these dogs now. (there is a Facebook page dedicated to them as well- Howell Dogs Angels)
Rosie loves shredding things, playing fetch, scrambled eggs, hanging with her sister and being in the DHA/Coors Light Studio with mom.
My reason for telling Rosie’s story is to remind everyone that shelter pets are not broken. Some have had horrible pasts, but they are grateful, loving, loyal and amazing. Please give a shelter dog a chance. You won’t regret it. Here are some photos of Rosie or as I call her “Whole Lotta Rosie” because she has the attitude of Bon Scott!
Opt To Adopt!

When I first met Rosie

Whole Lotta Rosie Carr

Hanging with Big Sis’ Scarlet

9 pounds of thunder

On the air with mom at DHA