Joe D’Urso Previews the 2023 Light of Day Shows On the Jolt
The Light of Day Foundation has announced WinterFest 2023, the annual music festival which began January 7th and will continue through the 20th of the month in locations like, Red Bank, Montclair, New York City and Philadelphia.
Joe D’Urso has been a part of the Light of Day shows since the very beginning, and in fact, is the president of the LOD Foundation. Along with his band Stone Caravan, he will be performing at a number of this year’s shows including “Night of Covers” at the Silverball Museum in Asbury Park where his opening act will be Dead Aire which includes WDHA’s Jim Monaghan.
Among the amazing artists performing this year, look for John Waite, Billy Hector & Albert Lee, the Weeklings, Joe Grushecky & the Houserockers, Willie Nile, and Jesse Malin.
All of the details for this year’s shows are here on the LOD website.