Only Florida Woman Would Attempt To Pull This Off With a Nerf Gun
DATELINE – Spring Hill FL
You have to hand it to Florida Woman Vanessa Ortega – she has quite the sense of humor.
Or so she thinks.
Ortega (allegedly, of course) entered a Spring Hill bank with some kind of bright blue object in her hand and announced, “THIS IS A ROBBERY. GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY!”
When Ortega approached the teller window she told the bank employee she was only joking and proceeded to make a cash withdrawal from her own account.
By the time detectives arrived, Ortega had already left but bank employees said they could easily identify her because she was a regular customer at that branch.
Police found her a short time later at another location where a disturbance had been reported.
Ortega copped to the comment about the holdup just being a joke – what a sense of humor – and said the blue object was a “nerf-style” gun.
Odds are she won’t be allowed to nerf around in prison.