4 Great Reasons Why My Christmas Wreath Is Still Up
Yes, I know Christmas was nearly 5 months ago, but I have 4 great reasons why my Christmas wreath is still up on my front door.
I can imagine the conversation some of my neighbors are having.
“Mom, are the Monaghans nice people?”
“Well they seem to be. Why do you ask?”
“Because it’s May and they still have a Christmas wreath on the front door. That’s pretty weird.”
Well, there’s actually a good reason for that. In fact, there are four reasons for that.
We have visitors.
I usually put our Christmas decorations up in early December. This past year, I actually had most of them up on Thanksgiving weekend.
I don’t do anything as outrageous as Florida Man and his holiday decorations, but there are wreaths on all of the windows in the front of the house, and a couple of potted poinsettia plants on the front steps.
I put lighted garland on all the fencing around the backyard, and a few spotlights to brighten things up.
Oh…and that wreath on the front door.
About two weeks after Christmas, I took all of the decorations down with the exception of the poinsettia and the front door wreath.
I figured, why not have some color to the front of the house for the month of January.
When February came, I went to take the wreath down, and that’s when I realized that we had some new visitors.
Or should I say, we were about to have some new visitors.
At the top of the wreath, it seemed that some birds had started to build a nest.
Well far be it from me to wreck their home, so I left the wreath up.
When the nest didn’t appear to get any bigger, my family thought they had abandoned the idea.
And that’s when we noticed that there was the makings of a second nest in another part of the wreath.
4 Reasons Why My Christmas Wreath Is Still Up
Over the course of the next few weeks into March, the nest continued to grow, and one morning we noticed four small eggs in the nest.
When my sister and I were little, a couple of robins built a nest in our backyard and every morning, my sister and I would look out the kitchen window to check on their progress.
My sister called them the “birnies” and we took great delight in watching them lifting their heads up to be fed.
Well, that’s where we are right now, with four small birds crammed into this nest on the Christmas wreath on our front door.