Florida Man Strikes Again – Arrested For Using A Garden Hose
DATELINE – Flagler County FL
Florida Man strikes again, and it seems that using an ordinary garden hose is what landed him behind bars this time.
Boy is there are a lot going on here!
Do you get upset when people are on your lawn? Are you that “GET OFF MY LAWN” homeowner?
You know, maybe you have a very nicely manicured lawn. You don’t want anybody traipsing on it.
Well, that could be the case with Florida Man Jeffrey Rutfield.
Now, Rutfield’s wife called 911 to report to police that another woman was pointing a gun at her husband.
But as is the case with just about every Florida Man story, there’s more.
It seems that Rutfield was a little concerned because this other woman was walking on his property, or so he said.
Well, after being yelled at by Rutfield, that other woman started to fear that maybe something’s going on here, maybe I should be worried about this guy.
So she pulled out a weapon.
When she realized that the cops were coming, she put the gun away and waited for them to arrive.
Meanwhile, in addition to yelling at the victim, it seems that Rutfield sprayed her in the face with a garden hose.
“That’ll teach her to be on my property line.”
The victim, told the deputies that she thought Rotfeld was gonna attack her and that’s why she had the weapon.
Deputies say they reviewed the evidence determined that the victim was indeed not on Rutfield’s property. And they also said that, Rutfield followed the victim in an aggressive manner.
I don’t know if he was dragging the garden hose with him or not.
Either way, Rutfield was arrested for simple battery.
You can imagine the conversation in jail.
“Hey, Tough Guy. What are you in for?”
“Um, I sprayed this woman in her face with a garden hose.”
Somehow we don’t think that’s going to strike fear into the hearts of any of the other inmates.