Florida Man Probably Doesn’t Want To Be A Contestant On Sheriff Ivey’s Game Show
DATELINE – Brevard County FL
If you remember yesterday’s Florida Man Strikes Again story, we told you about the Florida Man who borrowed a friend’s vehicle, refused to give it back, and then ultimately was caught hiding under a trailer.
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey is a no-nonsense kind of guy.
He also has a pretty good sense of humor, as you can see from the Facebook page for the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office. Anyone who can refer to himself and his fellow officers as “the Po-Po” sounds like a guy you might want to share a beer with.
Well, it seems that Sheriff Ivey is the host of a new game show called Wheel of Fugitive and while he’s not above poking fun at himself, it’s also pretty obvious that he means business.
And when Sheriff Ivey means business, it also means that Florida Man probably shouldn’t want to be a contestant.
And as you can see below, the graphics for this are really quite good.